Kathy Johnson

Meet our newest strategic partner.

Hello. I’m Kathy Johnson.


Kathy Johnson and Alfredo Muccino have known each other for a long time. They started working together in the 1990s when Kathy was consulting at Intel and managing corporate marketing initiatives associated with the Intel Inside campaign. Together they worked on the launch of the Pentium processor and developed a mutual respect for each other’s skills and work ethic. That early collaboration blossomed into a friendship and continued to grow over the years on projects for other clients. So, it’s no surprise that when Kathy was asked to join our Strategic Partner Network her answer was an enthusiastic “YES!”. We’re excited to introduce you to Kathy Johnson, our Director of PR Strategy / Strategic Partner.


Co-founding Blinkx (LSE: BLKX) transformed Kathy into a technology evangelist.

In 2004 Kathy co-founded the world’s first video search engine, Blinkx, and her evangelism of disruptive mobile and search technologies garnered global media attention via appearances in international TV (BBC, CNBC, CNN), newspapers and online media (The Sunday Times, The Guardian, the Wall Street Journal, Die Welt, Reuters, Daily Mail, CNET, GigaOm, BBC), radio (BBC Radio 4, NPR, Bayerischer Rundfunk), and business and lifestyle magazines (Fast Company, Red Herring, Woman).



Sharing the stage with Steve Jobs, Meg Whitman and Hu Jintao

Partly due to the success of Blinkx and her advocacy for disruptive technologies Kathy was voted “2004 Agenda Setter” by silicon.com alongside Apple’s Steve Jobs, eBay’s Meg Whitman, and Chinese Premier Hu Jintao. This was an exciting high point for Kathy’s career. “I couldn’t believe it! My name appeared next to the names of some of the world’s most influential people in business and technology. I was honored and shocked at the same time ” said Kathy with a smile when we asked her how it felt to receive such recognition.

Consort Partners


All senior-level team of PR professionals, journalists, and entrepreneurs.

In 2004, Kathy co-founded a leading technology PR firm, Consort Partners, after being approached by some of the most successful venture capitalists and angel investors in Silicon Valley to replicate the PR success of Blinkx for their portfolio companies. Today, Consort Partners provides public relations and brand advisory services to companies that include King (the creators of Candy Crush Saga), Pinterest, SF Motors, 10x Genomics, Unity, MindMaze, Sprint, BBVA and Anaplan -and Kathy has become a member of the Solid Strategic Partner Network enabling us to bring her expertise to the table as one of our team members whenever our clients need world-class, brand-building PR strategies.



Kathy has won plenty of recognition, including a prestigious Stevie award.

Kathy received the Stevie Award for Women in Business “Lifetime Achievement” recognition, she serves as a Board Member of TEDxMarin, and was an advisor to Japan’s Prime Minister Koizumi as she was closely involved with Japan’s first inbound tourism campaign, “Yokoso Japan,” as well as Japan’s FDI (foreign direct investment) strategies. She is also an avid marathon runner having placed third at the Modesto Marathon in 2015 and having raced several other marathons including Boston, New York, Big Sur and San Francisco.

To reach Kathy Johnson directly, simply send her an email at:

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