Transforming from Liquid to Solid.

From Liquid to Solid


Alfredo Muccino started Liquid Agency with Scott Gardner in San Jose, CA in 2000. Shortly after launching their new company the “.com” bubble burst, and many of their clients went out of business. “It was not the best of times” says Alfredo Muccino, the former Chief Creative Officer of Liquid Agency. The two partners and a handful of others who were there from the start did not give up. Instead, they rolled up their sleeves and worked together, because failure was not an option. Despite the tough economic conditions they managed to survive and ultimately built what today is considered one of the most respected brand agencies in Silicon Valley. After 16 years providing creative leadership to Liquid, Alfredo Muccino has started a new firm, aptly called Solid Branding. Solid is a new generation brand agency operating out of New York and Silicon Valley.

“For the last few years I have wanted to focus on embracing new, more agile ways of working”
Alfredo Muccino, Founder of Solid Branding


“I am excited to explore a new model for brand agencies – what I call an “agile agency” model. At Solid, I can work collaboratively with our clients and provide leadership directly to the teams doing the work” says Alfredo. “As Liquid grew, my role became mostly managerial – and “managing” is just not what I like doing”. The business model for Solid Branding leverages a highly distributed global network of senior resources – the Solid Strategic Partner Network. Teams are assembled depending on the specific needs of the client and the expertise of the team members. According to Mr. Muccino, “This approach allows us to offer world-class, award-winning solutions without the burden of a large full-time staff, which often makes agencies less nimble and more expensive”.

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